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My experience of caring for mum

Alzheimer’s Society Ambassador, Sir Tony Robinson, is a well-known actor and presenter. Perhaps less well known is that both of his parents, Leslie and Phyllis, died with dementia.

With first-hand experience of caring for loved ones with the condition, he has spoken out at Parliamentary receptions and backed many Alzheimer’s Society’s campaigns such as Putting Care Right, as an Ambassador for the charity. Back in 2006, he also made a powerfully moving documentary, Me and My Mum, about his mother’s care.

Sir Tony is passionate about ensuring that the voices of people with dementia and their carers are heard and ensuring that the lives of those living with the condition are improved. After tireless effort campaigning, the actor, presenter and writer was awarded the honour for public and political service in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in 2013.

Sharing his own experiences of caring for his parents with dementia, he says: “With both my parents having had dementia, I’m only too aware of the challenges a carer may face. My mum was well known for her bright and fiercely independent nature. This was something I had always admired and even following a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, I passionately wanted to help her preserve her vibrant personality.

“She had excellent support from some wonderful health specialists and a family who were more than happy to help. She was able to stay at home for much longer than would have been possible had she been forced to fend for herself.

“For anyone concerned about their memory or the memory of a loved one, I would encourage them to visit their GP and contact the Alzheimer’s Society Helpline for advice.”

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