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Your Later Life 2020

Peta Absalom, Helpline Adviser, Age UK


Helpline Advisor, Age UK

Age UK’s free advice line faced unprecedented demand when the pandemic began. Peta has been one of the advisers providing essential information and support to older people.

How Peta is helping older people in need

“We’ve been so busy on Age UK’s advice line since the pandemic began, and, for a while, we were getting almost double the usual number of calls. The calls I’ve taken have shown me how our older population is struggling to cope and highlight just how vulnerable many people are. Lots of people are worried about themselves and their family and friends, and some of the calls have been particularly hard to hear.

“Harriet, an ex-nurse in Yorkshire who is in her 70s and living alone, called up to ask that, if she were to get coronavirus and pass away, could she still be buried in a grave with her family, as requested in her will. During the call she was hugely apologetic for taking up my time on the line, but I reassured her that we are here to help on all sorts of matters, especially at this unprecedented time.

It’s been a difficult time, but it feels good to be able to offer reassurance and advice to those who are struggling. Despite this, I still believe we can be hopeful about the future.

“Another woman called who was concerned for her brother, in his 70s, who has a fracture, dementia, and difficulty with his sight. He is usually looked after by his son and daughter-in-law but they’re self-isolating due to coronavirus symptoms. He’s been trying to cope alone without carers and hasn’t been able to shower. His sister also worries that he’s had some falls and whether he’s taking his medication. She was beside herself, feeling her brother has been abandoned by the system and social support in his time of need.

“I also had a man in his 80s call who has several underlying health conditions. He’s running out of food and he also needs medical assistance, but he was told a district nurse can’t be sent to his home, so he’s not sure what to do. I was able to let him know about the different options of support available for him, for example a contact for his local Age UK who is providing on-the-ground services, and I could signpost him to other local organisations who might be able to help.

“Coronavirus is having an impact on most calls I’ve been receiving in some way or another. I took a call from a man in his 70s who is having trouble paying a council tax bill. He’s living in sheltered accommodation and is on pension credit, and he can’t pay a bill which was originally waivered but has now been taken up again by the local authority. He sounded completely helpless, and it’s clear that, although people are still struggling with the same issues they had before coronavirus, the health crisis is creating additional challenges and worries.

“It’s been a difficult time, but it feels good to be able to offer reassurance and advice to those who are struggling. Despite this, I still believe we can be hopeful about the future. We all have a part to play, and Age UK is determined to be there for the older people who need us the most.”

For practical information and advice, please call Age UK’s advice line on 0800 169 65 65, or, for a cheerful chat, call The Silver Line Helpline day or night on 0800 470 80 90

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