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Helen Mirren interview with Age UK

We caught up with Dame Helen Mirren, who has been a wonderful friend to Age UK now for many years, supporting numerous campaigns and projects. In 2011 she donated her famous red bikini to the charity which was sold on TV’s Daybreak.

Dame Helen Mirren said:

“The festive season can be a particularly difficult time of year and it’s heart-breaking to think so many older people will be lonely this Christmas. No one should have to face a daily reality of feeling lonely, let alone during the festive season which for many is a celebration with family and friends. That’s why I’m supporting Age UK and the commercial to raise funds with this campaign to help make sure older people get the companionship and support they deserve.” 

What do you do to relax?

I love to garden or read a good thriller, or just sit with a glass of wine and have a good gossip with old friends 

What’s your favourite film?

There are so many great films that are so varied. I do love the old French films, like L’Atalante, but I am also very fond of ‘Dodgeball’

What career path would you have taken had you not been an actress?

It’s hard to say. I trained as a teacher, but I don’t think I would have ever done that professionally. Both the Law and Architecture have always fascinated me.

Who inspired you?

In acting terms, Anna Magnani, but many people have inspired me in living my life.

If you could have one wish – what would it be?

That plastic packaging would disappear off the face of the earth.

What’s your star sign and are you a good representation of its meaning?

I don’t believe in astrology. Having said that I am a Leo, and probably quite representative of that sign.

What’s your most favourite possession?

A little wooden Buddha given to me a long time ago.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I like to live in London.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

That fear is a dangerous thing.

Do you have any unresolved ambitions?


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